by Tresca

I was completely prepared this morning for my chance to lick the Master's head. I woke him with breakfast in bed again and waited patiently by the bathroom door to see if he would remember about our agreement. He had just called me in to shave the back of his head when the doorbell rang! I tried to pretend I couldn't hear it and cooly walked in to pick up the razor. But then he turned to me, raised an eyebrow, and shooed me out! I could not believe it! I sulked all the way down the stairs and almost felt the urge to sneak a Chupa Chup on my way down.

Opened the door, and found that silly girl that Lex hired to escort him to Fruity's party a few nights ago. I insisted that she leave and tried to explain to her that it was a one night deal only! She was confused, as she seemed to think that sex was included in the price the Master paid. What a silly little chit. Could she not see that Lex only wanted to bring her so he could make Fruity jealous?? When they returned from the party he sent her out the door as soon as possible. For some strange reason she vaguely smelled like a toilet. Why would he want to have sex with her then??

I have *stil*l not finished sulking about Lex running off to Fruity's party like a lovesick puppy! And he even arranged for fireworks! He should have stayed here and I would have helped make him see fireworks. But, no, he has to run off to that silly farm. Fruity! Fruity! Fruity! Why is everything always about Fruity????? I will find a way to get between Master Lex and the farmboy. I need a Chupa Chup...

