by Cowshark

Chupa Chups: 2. Regurgitated not soon after eating, but that's getting ahead of it all.
That...thing is still here. Thing and its breasts. The horror. Thing has nasty habit of walking around with no top on, hands on dinners. V.v. bad. Got hit by one of them when passing her in hall. My right side still hurts. Worse, am so nauseated I can't eat. Perhaps it'll help me lose weight from all those Chupa Chups.

Attempted head licks: Absolute zero. Thing keeps getting in way. Also keeps babbling about things like "arglefuffle." Master Lex says she's from England, but suspect Thing is alien. Must look into her Visa; might be able to get her deported. If she licks his head first, I shall have to kill self.

Tonight, Thing tried to seduce Master Lex. Fortunately, he was more interested in computer. Thought about trying to lick head before slumber, but was too nauseated. Damn thing and her dinners.

