by steptacular

ChupaChups: 10 good
Head Licks: 1/2!!!! V. V. V. V. V. Good!!!!
Got to clean master lex's study today...and got to see what movie he was looking at on the screen was v. v. v. boring...and i was excited that it might of been naughty movies master was taking of me...v. sad now. good thing though i got 1/2 a head lick in! that's v. good! i decided that since i wouldn't get much of a chance to lick masters head i should just lick the next best thing to it so i grabbed the razor boobies had used on his head earlier (v. bad boobies, v. bad) and i licked it! it was v. good but v. bad at the same time...lots of blood...told master i bit tounge...master is concered about me! that's v. good. After master left I saw Boobies doing weird things and taking all the pins from the house and throwing them away...v. bad Boobies...note to self: must buy more and place them all over her bed...v. good idea...note to self: give self chupa for v. good idea. Oh yes today I came up with another brilliant idea! I started putting masters toe nail clippings in a folgers coffee can! v. good idea to me! such pretty well groomed manicured toenails...well diary the ground shakes because v. bad boobies is asking me for my teletubbies dvd...bad boobies wont get manservants teletubbies dvd...boobies borrowed my sasame street dvd and broke it! i was v. angry...boobies was confused whenever they said the letter of the day was "E" she said she didn't like it and she wanted to be the letter of the day to be "2" because she said that's how many thoughts her father said go through her head a day...v. good father...she broke sesame street dvd after they didn't change letter of the day...she said she couldn't remember the "number E" because she'd never slept with man who's name started with "E"...manservant was v. v. surprised! then realization came to mind and man servant hid in room v. scared now...but i'm going to sleep now...i shaved my ken dolls head and it feels v. good...will write more tomorrow after i get pins from store!
