by CaptainTardy

Chupa Chups: 34, v.v. good!
Number of times I have forced myself not to smack Breasty: Lost count after 258
Should be working, but cannot bring myself to leave room. Insane number of visitors today, including Fruity. Blonde boy is also here, but for some reason has decided to pay attention to Boobies. Something looked different about her.... she didn't seem as vacuous. Hmm, must remember to have eyes checked. Oops, noise in hall, perhaps Master needs me? BRB, Diary!


Diary you will not believe this!! Strange flippy-haired friend of Fruity was in hall, and attatched to her were... Boobies' boobies!! She hit me with them. Ick. But it's better than the Breastmonster running around covering them and trying to touch my Master with them! So I helped her escape... Poor thing was v.v. lost. Note to self: Reward self with Chupa Chup for being good Samaritan. Now, Diary, I must go see what this commotion is, Master may need my help!!

Oh, Diary, I'm so confused! I discovered.... something unpleasant when I went looking for Master Lex, and I'm afraid the shock of what I heard, combined with my current blood sugar level, caused me to have something of a fainting fit. Master seemed v. concerned for me, but Fruity is still here! Master even had him bring me to my room, instead of picking me up himself in those slim but well-muscled arms... Am v. upset, but also v.v. confused! Fruity is very nice and has wonderful arms, and I am afraid I am beginning to see what Master Lex likes about him! Perhaps I can share Master with him? Note to self: find out more about Fruity and decide whether he is worthy of sharing Master's attention. But what about pretty blond boy? I thought he was interested in Victoria, but now it seems he was only trying to get rid of her, for which I am v. v. grateful. Oh Diary, I'm so lost and confused! Will sleep now and hope this all makes sense tomorrow.

