by Tresca

Chupa Chups: 0. v.v.g.
Chupa Chups left in the store: 0. (you thought it was my strong powers of restraint? Once again I have emptied their supply. They are getting a delivery tomorrow)
Tootsie Roll Pops: 26 v.v.b. (I had to have something to suck on!)
Ty Nant Bottles: 1 v.v.g!
During my errands in town today to try to find more lollipops, I decided to look for Fruity's home so I could find a way to get him out of Master Lex's life. Driving past all the cornfields, I thought I was lost at first, but then I saw a sign that said "Kent Farm: 2 Miles". Up a few feet from that one was another sign that said: "Kent Organic Fruit, Up Ahead". I hadn't realized that other people needed signs to look for Fruity, but if his parents wanted to advertise, by all means. Turned into the driveway and saw a mailbox which said "Kent Farm" and I was starting to wonder if perhaps Fruity got lost on his way home a lot and his parents felt the need to leave him a trail to follow. Laughed at this thought even more when I saw a sign by the house which was also labeled "Kent Farm". Must tell Master Lex that his farmboy might be a little special, if you know what I mean diary.

Decided to be sneaky and snoop around a bit before approaching Fruity's father. Went to barn and looked around. Up the stairs there was what appeared to be a room. My guess was that Fruity stayed here often as some of his clothes were strewn around the room. Spotted the Ty Nant bottle that Master Lex gave him a few weeks ago and stole it back to add to my collection. Fruity does not deserve the sacred Ty Nant bottles! With bottle in hand, decided that stealing and snooping were going to get me in trouble with Master Lex, so I snuck back to the car and drove back home. Perhaps I will try to talk to Fruity's father another day. For now I will gaze adoringly at my new Ty Nant bottle.

With the Chupa Chup Shortage, have once again resorted to sucking on tootsie pops. Not as good as round smooth lollipops, but definitely help me with my practice. I especially like to imagine that the thick line around the lollipop is really the delicious-looking bump on the back of Master Lex's head. That bump fascinates me and I cannot wait until the day I will be able to lick it and fulfill my heart's desire.

