by queenofalostart

Chupa Chups: 0 (V.v. busy)
Sneaky Sightings: 1/2 (*pout*)
Fruity Fantasies: 2 (V.v. bad, blame Master for leaving him toweless in steam room.)
Things have been v.v. crazy around the castle since those cute little boys from Boston won that Fabulous Bowl, or whatever it's called. Seems that Fruity is a fan of the lead pitcher or something, and has been v.v. happy about it. Since Master Lex found out, he has had me running all over Smallville trying to find a championship tee shirt, size small. I tried to point out to Master Lex that Fruity was rather broad, but he just got a silly smile on his face and said, "Yes, isn't he?" Now, that comment would have hurt me a mere week ago, but that was before I was licked by Sneaky. I think that my decreased Chupa intake helps me think clearly. Must investigate further.

After searching for days, I finally tracked down small tee shirt at horrible place called J.C. Penney. Many small children with grubby hands ran about trying to grab the furry boa-like scarf Master Lex insisted I wear when out and about. He told me he didn't want me to get cold. He's sweet, my master. Like sexual chocolate. But a white chocolate. You get my drift.

I brought home the shirt (after carefully checking to make sure it had the official shiny sticker) and presented it to Master Lex in his study. He was so thrilled he gave me a nice hug. I was in prime licking range! But the desire was not there. I must be going through Chupa withdrawl! But Master Lex was so excited that he got on the phone and booked four tickets to New Orleans for Mardi Gras! And then invited me! And told me that Fruity was bring his friend Pete! (I am so excited I can't stop using exclamation points! Ms. Lenti from the US School in Lisbon would be so upset with me!) Could it be?! Could it be my Sneaky Pete?! I shall find out tonight, it seems! But, Mardi Gras! Master Lex said that I will earn many beads showcasing my tallywacker, whatever that is. (Reminder to self: look up tallywacker.)

Anyway, I must go and pack Master Lex's bags, as well as my own. I am keeping every finger, toe, and hair follicle crossed in breathless anticipation.

