Chupa Chups: 0 an attempt to lick at the Chupa Chup.
Head Licks: One attempt
I sat in my room tears flowing from my face and i did not care my nose was running and a strand stretched nearly a foot beneath my nose and i did not care. My master was vexed, surely vexed and it was my fault! This pain was worse then the torment of missing a sale at Bloomingdales! This was worse then the time my brother set the scale to read 8 pounds too heavy! This is even worse then the time i was forced to go without my Chupa Chups for a day. I went to the drawer and took out one of the Chupa Chups. I was going to lick one for solace. But I did not deserve solace. I deserve to be tortured so i unwrapped the Chupa Chup and placed it 4 inches from my face. I needed to suffer for making master mad. The Chupa being so close, my tongue involuntarily darted out, but my arm was strong and it kept the Chupa just out of reach. My tongue followed the Chupa but my arm kept the Chupa out of reach. Soon i was twirling in my room faster then i have ever moved for the strangers at the Spanish nightclub. I collapsed in exhaustion.

I needed advice. I called up my dear friend Dr. Laura. She has many gay friends and i am so proud to be one of them.

"Hello Laura, I'm so sorry to call you so late but i am in despair and pain."

"Is this Esteban? I got the garter belt you sent me with the matching high heel shoes and the leather cat o' nine tails! Thanks! You guys might be Gods mistake, but you sure no how to shop! what can i do for you, you weak willed creature?"

"Oh, Laura, I'm so glad you told me the truth. You're always there for me."

"Biological errors need support to."

"Me and my brother fought and my master is vexed."

"Is your brother a sinful ugly crime against god too?"

"Yes, he is Dr. I'm so glad you are here at a moment like this to tell me how vile i am."

"No problem, what were you fighting about?"

" Well, many things, but i suppose it all comes down to these Fabulous Red pants my brother stole from me."

"Well, you can either make peace with your diseased morally repugnant brother or you can continue to vex the boss, I can't talk anymore cause i'm afraid your gay agenda might influence my child."

With that she hung up and I knew she was right of course I must make peace with Esteban. And though it would pain me more then the time i was forced to Dance to Kenny G at the Spanish bar, i must sacrifice the red sequined pants to return harmony to the house of Luthor.

I took the pants and walked to the Masters door. I knocked furtively. Then i realized no one could hear my furtive knocks so i just knocked. My nose and eyes were flowing freely and i did not care. My master opened the door and i dropped to my knees and held out the pants.

" Please master please," I said. "Take this meagre offering from your wretched servant. For a moment the anger that my brother and i feel towards each other made us forget that we are wretched creatures only meant to serve you. Please forgive us for forgetting what horrible worthless scum we are. Thank god i have a special friend to remind me! Oh master please present these pantolones to Esteban. Tell him we must fight no more."

Master bent down to get the pants and there only inches from my tongue, beckoning me like a thousand Chupa Chups sent down from heaven was Master's pate! I'm only a mere mortal. diary. A weak pathetic creature. How can any man resist such a thing? My tongue darted out and i lunged forward. But master sensed something and moved out of the way. My tongue was still out and my chin hit the floor.

" Enrique!" master said, "What are you doing?"

"I'm thorry Matthter i thintherely appologithe i twipped. I promise to thpend the whole day tomorrow thcrubbing and thcrubbing the blood out of your thuit and carpet. Pleathe give thethe pantolonethe to My brother. Good night Mathter good night.

The pain and humiliation would have been worth a lick. But at least i may make peace with Esteban.

