by Cyb

Chupa Chups: Lost count
Lex Licks: Lost count
Handsome Deadlocked Doctor Licks: 1 V. V. Good!
Oh Diary! What a strange day it has been for Enrique. I was driving down a deserted road late at night, on the way to the Phallic Symbols R Us shop on the edge of town to replenish Master's supply of balls. For some reason, several of them were broken when Fruity came by last night. I suspect it happened when he and Master were moving the pool table. I didn't see it happen, but I heard much manly grunting and the scootings of table legs on fine marble. I may not always get along with Fruity, but I am glad he is willing to put his muscle to good use for Master.

Anyway. I was driving down this deserted road when I spied a car driving very fast away from a strange barn. Was that my Sneaky driving? He looked so angry! No, it could not have been my Sneaky, who is sweet and mild, like a chocolate-vanilla Chupa Chup.

Curious, I stopped at the barn, and who should I find inside but little blonde Flippy? "Enrique, I need your help!" she said, and ran out to my car.

Before I left, I picked up one of the strange pretty flowers I saw inside. What a lovely gift for Master, and somewhat phallic as well! But as I lifted it, the little diablo flower spurted on me! I dropped it in disgust and went back to the car.

Flippy begged me to drive her to the hospital, saying it was a life or death matter. On our way there, we drove past a strip join, where I saw parked the same car that had passed me earlier. That was how I knew it could not have been Sneaky! I am the only one who strips for him!

As I returned to the Casa de Senor Sex, I mean Senor Lex... I began to feel very odd. But nice. I sashayed into Master's study, where he was talking to a very handsome man with little dreadlocks all over his head. I could not contain myself! I jumped at Master like he was the last sequined bolero jacket on the sale rack at Hotsy Totsy.

"Enrique!" he cried. "What's gotten into you!"

Oh Diary! His smooth, luscious head was within my reach. How I had practiced for this moment! With my arms firmly around his neck, I began to lick, lick, LICK all over. I started at one yummy temple, worked my way across his sweet little forehead, and around to the other temple.

"Dr. Hamilton! Help!" Master cried.

Strong hands grasped me from behind, as is so often the case. I spun around and licked the handsome doctor once before Master bound my wrists with duct tape. Then I was brought back to my quarters, with no further words from Master Lex or the Doctor.

I would write more, Diary, but my hands are still taped behind me. You have no idea how hard it is to hold a pen with this thing, and write legibly.

